The Selma Times-Journal from Selma, Alabama (2024)

IEL 10110011h EDITOR. ublished Sunday Morning and every afternoon except Saturday. American Mission Will Study Food Conditions All In Parts Germany rn-IE SELMA JOURNAL', PAGE4. rrHE SELMA PAGE 4 rican Mission Will Ame tutrly Foo. Conditions KINCE EDITOR.

I Parts German dished Sunday Morning-and every afternoon except Saturday. ALL Study Foo. cl Conditions IEL KINCEL EDITOR. In All Parts Germany ublished Sunday Morning-and every afternoon excePt Saturday. I-1E SELMA' JOURNAL DUPLE iAVENUE.


M. will meet in regular i'4, AP commonication this Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work in the Fellow, Craft Degree. Selma Fraternal Lodge No. 27 and all visiting brethren are invited to attend.

By order of the Worshipful Master I. Yaretzky, Secretary. MASONIC NOTICE Central City Lodge 1, No. 305 A. F.

M. ra will meet in regular I communication is ensay Wded evening at 7:30 o'clock. Vv'ork in the Fellow Centra City No 305 A Lodge fa: will meet in regular -il IP commanication this Wednes'ilay evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work in the Fellow Craft Deo'ree Selma Fraternal Lodge 27 and all visiting brethren are invited to attend. By order of the Worshipful Master I.

Yaretzky, Secretary. STOMACH ILLS permanently disappear after drinking the celebrated Shiver Wiaeral water. Positively guaranteed by money-back offer. Tastes flee; costs a trifle. Delivered anywhere by our Selma Agenas, Harrell Drag Co.

Phone them. "Buist" Canary Bird SeaI at Tillman Drug Co. STOMACH ILLS Permanently disappear after dri nk- ink the celebrated Shiver Meral water. Positively guaranteed by money-back offer. Tastes tilts; mone costs a trifle Delivered anywhere by our Selma Agenas.

Harrell DraZ Permanently disappear after drink- mg the celebrated Shiver lilliaeral water Positively guaranteed by money-back offer. Tastes fi lls; costs a trifle. Delivered anyw here by our Selma Agenas, Harrell Drlig Co. Phone them. "Buist" Canary Bird Seed at Tillraan Drug Co BAPTIST MEET VII1S SOCgESS PASTOR Last Series Of -Noted Lectures Heard At Church tt la it ft ma rvrrt 113 I 1 3 li Last Series Of 'Noted Leo- lures Heard At Church NOTICE TO ROAD CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received by the Court of County Revenue of Dallas County, Alabama, March 10th, 1919, 12 in.

at Selma, Alabama, and at that time publicity opened for reconstructing and resurfacing with gravel a part of the Selma and Safford pike road. 'The length of the -road to be reconstructed and resurfaced is approximately 'fifteen miles. Plans and specifications are on file in the office of the Probate Judge of Dallas' county and any information desired may be had on request NOTICE TO ROAD CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received by the Court of County Revenue of Dallas County, Alabama, March 10th, 1919, 12 in. at Selma, Alabama, and at that publicity time opene ing and resurfacing with gravel a 1- II a qalm a lin di SAffnv nc ei nA bids win oe receive by tne Court of County Revenue of Dallas County, Alabama, March lOth, 1919, 12 in at Selma Alabama, and at that time publicity opened forreconstruct- ti, ing and resurfacing with gravel a part of the Selma and Safford pike road. The length of the -road to be reconstructed and resurfaced is ap- proximately 'fifteen miles.

Plans and specifications are on file in the office of the Probate Judge of Dallas' county and any inform- tion desired may be had on request possible lawlessness? Out-laws originated when the first laws were written, and there will be law-breakers as long as there are laws, the best remedy for suppressing -crime is a sheriff who faithfully performs his duty, and the sheriff's office of Dallas County is equipped with a man of this type. N'o refugee from justice need seek refuge within the bounds of Dallas County and feel that he is safe, for such a one soon finds himself concealed behind prison bars to await ppssible lawlessness? Out-laws originated when the first ws la were written, and there will be law-breakers as long as there are laws, the best remedy for suppress- ing -crime is a sheriff who faithfully tuy performs his duty, and the sheriff's Out-laws originated when the first is were written, and there will be law-breakers as long as there are laws, the best remedy for suppress- ing -crime is a sheriff who faithfully performs his duty, and the sheriff's office of Dallas County is equipped with a man of this type. No refugee from justice need seek refuge within the bounds of Dallas safe, for County and feel that he is himself such a one aoon finds cealed behind prison bars to await HONE 130 Sheriff Stanfill uses sound judgment and has made some sensational srrests. The crap-shooter, the cow, horse, and automobile thief, the burglar, the' blind tiger and wild-cat still operator do not escape his apprehension, and guilty parties are sure to find themselves within the clutches of the law. In continuation of the faithful discharge of his duties as sheriff, he will leave, at the expiration of hie term, a satisfied constituency, which will be an enviable record.

Thirty Bolshevik And I 's Are Deported Fort Worth, Texas, Feb. Thirty Bolshevik and I. W. W. agitators rounded up by Government Agents in San Francisco, Tuscon, El Antonio and Dallas, passed through, here late last night on a special prison train bound for Ellis Island from where they will be deported.

CITIZEN. Berlin, Feb. 12.The American Mission, headed by Captain Walter R. Gheradi, former American Navy attache in this city, is today preparing to make a trip throughout Germany to study the food and economic situation. Especial.

attention will be paid to the food' outlook. Captain Gheradi refused to make any comment upon the work of prospects or the Mission. DEATH OF NEGROES. Information reached Selma today of the death of Julia and Ella Raw-lea, negroes, daughters of a tenant on the plantation of Mr. Julien Smith- near Cahaba, who died last night from influenza.

Their deaths occurred in the same house only a few hours apart. 'MAUR :112 KI YE 11 LA PORTENA Seven Cents. Why You can't get better than La Portena, the real cigar. WANTED. Salesladies to work on Saturday.

Must have had some experience. Good pay to right party. Apply at once at the Leader, 30 Washington street ear Cahaba, who died last CALL FOR I choir on this occasion. The subject oni influenza. Their deaths El Penzonp the genuine imported 1 of Dr.

Phillips' lecture was the "Up-in the same house only a Porto Rice Cigar. Ten cents every- look From the New World Situation," rs apart. where. The cigar of quality. arising out of the war, and the sub- ject was ably discussed by this 111 WM MAO'S ILA learned speaker, and the comparison An.

go of the present event with the spirit- ikIT 17' isv 1 ual life was shown clearly. I The meetings were very successful Dr. J. A. Davidson, pastor of the 160 zil Church states, but the attendance on the whole was not so large as was pected upon the visit of these learn, Died speakers to Selma.

The lectures on the New World Outlook which were conducted by the First Baptist Church, ended Tuesday night with a magnificient address by Dr. W. J. Phillips, of Mobile, and on opening- address by Dr. J.

T. Henderson, Secretary of the Laymen's Missionary Movement or the Southern Baptist Church. Special music was furnished by the Baptist Church choir on this occasion. The subject of Dr. Phillips' lecture was the "Up-look From the New World Situation," arising out of the war, and the sub to him or to the State Highway Lngineers, at Montgomery, Alabama.

The right, to reject any and all bids is Cash or certified check for two hundred and fifty dollars made payable to Chairman ourt of County Revenues of Dallas County, must accompany each bid as.evidence of good faith and a guarantee that the bidder will execute the contract and' make the bond required. M. Vaughan, Probate Judge of Dallas County. Fob. 6 30d.

FOR PURE DRUGS Reasonable prices. Quick Delivery. Phone 209 KYSER DRUG Co. SMOKE LA PORTENAs Seven Cents. The faverite favorites.

La Fortena, perfection and Our stock is now complete of new seed for that spring garden. -Tillman Drug Co. Delicious Soda Water KYSER DRUG CO. FOR SALE. 80 acres of nice land on Marion.

Junction rod, about 2 miles from City Limits, can be bought at a 'bar, gain and one easy terms. Apply to 3. Percy nay, Phone 643. Why pay 12 cents for Johnsen Grass and Alfalfa when you cots huy Hector Cigars (Banded) for a 1111' Berlin Feb 12.The American HONE ISO Mission headed by Captain Walter R. Gheradi, former American Navy in this city, is today prepar- rig to make a trip throughout Ger- many to study the food and economic L'A.

PORTENA SMOKE LA pORTENA, situation. Especial. attention will be oo ou so even i I Seven Cents. The faverite of Sheriff Stanfill uses sound judg- en s. ih-----7iiy-1, -more to him or to the State Highway Ln- avorstes.

a ortena, cigar ment and has made some sensational Captain Gheradi refused to make You can't get better than La Portena, W. J. Phillips, of Mobile, and on gineers, at Montgomery, Alabama perfection and pride The crap-shooter the cow, any comment upon the work of pros- the real The lectures on the New World srrests. ects or the Mission. Outlook which were conducted by the The right, to reject any and all horse, and automobile thief, the burg- bids is reserved.

Our stock is now complete of new lar, the blind tiger and wild cat still WANTED. I First Baptist Church, ended Tuesday Cash or certified check for two seed for that spring garden night with a magnificient address by operator do not escape his appre- DEATH OF NEGROES. Salesla dies to work on Saturday. 1 Dr I hundred and fifty dollars made pay- -Tillman Drug Co. hension, and guilty parties are sure Must have had some experience able to Chairman Court of County to find themselves within the clutches Information reached Selma today Good pay to right party.

Apply at openin caetaddreas by Dr. j. T. the Laymen Hend Aliss- er- son, Serry Revenues of Dallas County, Must ac- Delicious Soda Water of the death of Julia and Ella Raw- of the law once at the Leader, 30 Washington ionary Movement or the Southern company each bid as of KYSER DRUG GO. I In continuation of the faithful dis- lea, daughters negroes, ters of a tenant street I Baptist Church.

Special music was faith and a guarantee that the goo charge of his duties as sheriff, he will on the plantation of Mr. Julien urnished by the Baptist Church bidder will execute the contract and FOR SALE leave, at the expiration of his term, Smith near Cahaba, who died last CALL FOR choir on this occasion. The subject ma the a satisfied constituency, which will be nig from influenza. Their deaths El Fanzon, the genuine imported 1 of Dr. Phillips' lecture was the "UP- on required acres of nice land on Marion- M.

Vaughan, Junction road, about 2 miles from an enviable record. Probate Judge of Dallas County. occurred in the same house only a Porto Rico Cigar. Ten cents every- look From the New World Situation City Limits, can be bought at a bar-, CITIZEN. Feb.

6 30d. few hours apart. where. The cigar of quality. arising out of the war, and the sub- gain and one easy terms.

rrq lect was 211311 discussed by this III "SI IN PO MI a in IE." lit. in si lira luirr. i mi Al a learned speaker by this Apply to J. Percy Day, I flirty Bolshevik 0 111 IL and the comparison FOR PURE DRUGS Phone 643 I W. Are Deported 0 gi of the present event with the spirit- I I life clearly- ua i was shown cearly.

Quick Delivery Why pay 12 cents for Jobs. Phone 209 Grass and Alfalfa when you can huy I The meetings were very successful Thirty la 1111. KYSER DRUG CO. Cigars Banded for a stints? (Banded) Fort Worth, Texas, Feb, 12. fp 4,41 a .15 Dr.

J. A. pastor Hector Ci Ric, Davidson, pa of the Reasonable prices. irt Bolshevik and I. W.

W. agi- L. Blh Church states but the attendance on the le tators rounded up by Government 1.,.. whole was not so large as was ex- Agents in San Francisco, Tuscon, El 111 pected upon the visit of these learn- A Antonio and Dallas, passed I i ed speakers to Selma. through, here late last night on a al JUST RECEIVED7 CARS EXTR A- GOOD 0 1 special i bound Ell pa prison rain ounor is 01 Island where --s from whe they 1 ll be de gd nOrted r- l'u as ex- learn ALL DID WELL.

The Anniston Star gives expression 3 a great truth that has impressed self wonderfully on the hearts and linds pf all rnen when it says that part of this broad land had any lonopoly on bravery or patriotism the war that has now closed. When le call to service came, every nook 1 the country did its part and the oys from Maine and those from tlississippi fought side by side, and led side by It was the same -ith those from Oregon and Florida. rkansas and Connecticutt were rawn closely together by the heroes ach sent and Louisiana was but a tep from Minnesota in sentiment nd sympathy. NOT GETTING FULL VALUE. In place of looking about to find ome way to reduce taxation in Ala)ama, some of the of the egislature are hunting around to ind new methods of increasing tax's.

It is being proposed to levy a ax on incomes for state and county )urposes in addition to the income ax that many have to pay the United Aates government. We hopvthe bill will be defeated. The people are not value received for the taxes they already pay.Greensboro ALL DID WELL. The Anniston Star gives expression a great truth that has impressed on self wonderfully on hearts and a all men whe i a that part of this broad land had any onopoly on -bravery or patriotism the war that has now closed When le call to service came, every nook I the country did its part and the )5's from Maine and those from fought side by side, and ied side by It was the same ith those from Oregon and Florida. rkansas and Connecticutt were rawn closely together by the heroes ich sent and Louisiana was but a ep from Minnesota in sentiment id sympathy NOT GETTING FULL VALUE.

In place of looking about to find trne way to reduce taxation in Ala- ima, some of the of the gislature are hunting around to nd new methods of increasing tax- It is being proposed to levy a on incomes for state and county irposes in addition to the income that many have to pay the United bates government-We hopthe bill ill be defeated The people are not itting value received for the taxes Ley already pay MULES AND MARES. MULES AND MARES. trollimialimiatimmilisimilmillailltincruiziltwilinimatmounnzmanti -11; jUst come to- oUr stare and look over our lines I 01 SOME OF OUR VALUES. i 4 mir PP GINGHAMS, NEW 1-1-u Ez-a ii PATTERNS re '1, a re-' 1 23c I 0 LADIES HATS. 1 111 KTPlu qti A PPR MICSITY RIC.

VAT I IFS A LADIES HATS. NEW SHAPES, MIGHTY BIG VALUES MI 7--- si look 1. Just come to our store an oo over our lines. I SOME OF OUR VALUES. nn ri INCITAM NF IV IA i JUSt I s.11 a 4.4, Sov gm Representative Joseph Green is CALL ON US spending today in the city, being call- IF ed home from the state legislature Toy- -runess-of-Mr Gzeeii.

ONES AT THE -LI I i WANTED. A steady, reliable young fellow either white or colored to learn bak- ery business. Irk Selma Bakery. WANTED. A steady, reliable young fellow either white or colored to learn bak el1114 pasKery Representative Joseph Green is lc in the city, ing call- spending today CALL ON US IF 1 111- home from the state be legislature en is call- lature young fellow to learn ma Bakery.

0 0 Soldiers Council Plots To Overthrow Gov't YOU WANT THE GOOD RIGHT PRICE. IIMIIMMMI4E $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75. a .0, ar, 11 A. 11'. 1 to I.

4 I I I- ICI ,,4 I) 0 NEI ha Mrs. Patrick Ke'lly. of Chi ii cago is visiting her mother Mrs. George PI Vaughan on Furniss avenue. Chicago is Mrs.

George venue. 0 PAIL 10 QUART 8 le 11. via London, Feb. 12.Soldiers Councils are plotting to overthrow the government in revenge for the death of Karl Liebkecht, it was reported today. Robert Emil Eichhorn, former Bolshevik Chief of Police here who was one of the active leaders of the Spartacides is.zaid to be one of the chief agitators.

bakM 11 I 11110 LILY, 24 1 ILUVII POUND SACK 1-1 WANTED. CORNER CHURCH AND WATER STS. 'I i Position by young lady as book1 ing: El keeper or office work. Experiences. -115: 11341 In" n'' P1' In2 21- ntn '111" WI' Ill '111'1; 1 an give best of references.

Address IllUIIIRMILIIIiittlIDIRMIMENITIMMINIIMERMILIKEIRCIRMInt: Box 23 A It No I iterlin, Ala. F3 III PI 4 FOR SALE. R.w. i FOLDERS VALENTINES CADS I I Nice home of 5 rooms on Union FOLDERS VALENTINES i I- Nice home of 5 rooms on Union as book-Experiences. ences.

Address iterlin, Ala. oms On Union CORNER CHURCH AND WATER STS. Richard Kuhlman Is Said To Visit Kaiser street, near Dallas avenue, can be bought cheap and on easy terms. AppIk to S. Per ODay, ig Office Hotel Albert Building.

jE, enue, can be easy terms: ercy ODay, ert Building. .4. 1 4 4 FEBRUARY 1 4TH 1 91 9 Amsterdam, Feb. 12.Dr. Richard Von Knehlmann, former German Foreign Secretary, is reported be In111611and incognite irisiting the former Kaiser.

1 1T1L1, I I 10 We have received a very attractive line this year 1'- 1 FOR SALE. A farm of practically 640 acres within one mile of the City limits of Selma. This farm will make a fine sub-division and can be sold off easily in small plots. If you will see me can give you a bargain on easy terms. ply to J.

Percy Day. Office 224 Broad street. Geo. A. Swift c'A A el A NEW ARRIVALS Exclusive Designs in Society Stationery for Valentine Day VALENTINES LATEST NOVELS OFFICE SUPPLIES Magazine Subscriptions Peloubets Notes Tarbells Teacher's Guides, IVALS st.

Dr uggi NI Fluerlin ririsliarizir rscra 0 LP, KING PHARR 1 PER CAN r. DOMESTIC, 36 INCH, YARD -e n'fi CRYSTAL' I 6 BARS' 25'cm. 111 DRY GOODS--- NOTIONS TINWARE GLASSWARECROCKERY Why go to many stores, when it can be bought under 1-1- one roof. TISSIER'S Iti! -PHONE 631. MOTOR DELIVERY la re: SELNIA TRUST tk SAVINGS BANIQ Subscribers for Liberty Bonds, who have paid in full Pi for their bonds.

are requested to get theil promPtlY 11 E. C. MELVIN. President. R.


CO. PT Speaking service, ours is all that could he desired aid Ilan experiestas eaahles wu ta serve snore satalactecily, LUMBER To 101 Sanitary Paper Towels, HOUSES FOR SALE. 6 room cottage newly painted on Union Street for $3000.00. 5 room cottage Green street with row plumbing $1750.00. 8 room house at 119 Green Street.

5 room house Church Street, close in. 10 room Duplex Apartment house on Mabry Street at bargain. BOWIE SMITH. L. E.

Waterman Fountain 0 Ex-President Taft who will address the Congress of Republicans strongly favors the League of Nations. He is quoted as saying: "The League of Nations will mean better wages, more secure homes and greater happiness to the working man of the world by the gradual elimination of national The. Ex-President does not think this will come about through a direct provision of the League, but as a natural results of the League but as a result in other fields of the political co-operation eatablished. Children are now to forget the George Washington incident and the cherry tree, and study the dramatic incident that took place in the Lower House of the 'General Assembly of Alabama, when Representative Green of Dallas, buried'his little hatchet in the floo'i of the Nouse anal called on the of that body to bury the hatchet of fanaticism and bring about executive harmony for the benefit of all Alabama. King beorge in his address to perliament Said that it had given him great pleasure to receive President Wilsen in England.

The Republicans can not bring the charge again-at the President that he has given utterance to one word nor has he committed An' aet that would bring advance eriticIsm upon either himself or the people he represents during his visit abroad. Movement has been'started in Dallas, Texas, by the cotton raisers, buyers and brokers, numbering more than seven thousand, to reduce the cotton acreage at least one-thircron this year's planting. The movement is spreading and an active campaign with reduction ip acreage as the main purpose, will be launched in every cotton growing state. The scheme for mandatory control of the German Colonies as established with the Peace Conference is being opposed by the press of Japan. Vast amounts of food stuffs are to be sent into Germany to feed the people of that country, by the Allies.

0 A feeling of unrest is felt because of the industrial situation which is facing the country today. 0 SHERIFF STANFILL. No county of the state can boast of a better sheriff than Dallas. The common attitude of a populace is that an officer is deeply indebted to the voters for electing him, but when the duties of the office are as faithfully discharged as sheriff Stanfill performs his, then his record invokes commendation from the people. The faithful discharge of his duty as deputy during the past term invited the attention of law abiding citizens who solicited his announcement for sheriff, and promised their support.

And since his election there has been no occasion for complaint, for every moment of his time has been devoted to the dutie3 of his office. Some counties boast of empty jails, which i3 a distinction to any community, but there are two sides to this que3ti-n, first, ls there really no offense of the does the sheriff, through negligence, overlook Pens. at BUTLER'S i i a a 0 THE CHAIN a I ill Business mah and banker tomorrow form a in 0 powerful link in the Chain of Community Progress. un li To the business man's exact knowledge of his 0: 0 I Wri particular bum. ess is added the experience of the i I 1 banker in handling varied situations of many busi- n.

i 1 Pli 6 1 11 Our Officers cordially invite progressive business 0 0 ii men to join forces with this Institutionand form an Pi al 0 association which will prove mutually advantageous. 1 II ice of the any busi- a business pi 1 form an tageous. 3 in; FOR RENT. Tvo or three unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping. Lights, water, and phone furnished.

Call at 227 Lamar ave and see the rooms, Or Phone 791, For NK FARM LANDS FOR SALE. 43 acres, near Manilla, with 250 bearing Paper Shell Pecan trees, at a bargain price and easy payment 600 acres, mixed lime prairie and Umber land, 3 miles of depot in Wilcox county, at $12.50 an acre. 340 acres, fine red land field, and good improvements 3 miles of Burnsville. Only $15 an acre. For bargain.

See away THE S'ELMA NATIONAL Selma, Alabama. rhe next time you buy calomel ask for E. E. SECOR. Southern Hotel, Selma.

it MIME 111111111111111, MEILEN El min. prima ,.0 stade into Blinds, Vomit. IS hut lesinegge and me are prepare ul. to El what is needed, Wet guaranies is emit 111 past gesord. JI 4.1.riliAid DALLAS LUMBER Si Wt.

ii Washington St. sad Sou. Ry. rpolut II Wr it Or 1 sr Er Et 111 E'" Urn' II "II I' ortcr Will nallUMFAII 1 This Is The Kind Of Weather i That reminds 3ree eV the need et somothing refreshing. VELVET 1011 1 CREAM is refreshing and an ideal dessert in evert l'ospect.

Voivet has solved the oprehlons el desserts la lioness4 It wE3 solve the sans groblese felt alh 1 7-- Flak. itifir574 I rata illtfo" 1 1 Aim.oat PONT FORGET alotabs STERLING This Emblem on your deaned garments means the same to you as Sterling means on silver. 1 STERLING 71 1 1 Family Washing Rough Dry ORDER VELVET TODAY a TIE SELMA CREAMERY 111E SELM I The purified calomel tab. lets that are entirely fits af all siticeninirand tali. sting effects.

Medicinal virtues vastly improved. Gaaranteed by your elroszist sia emiv In sealed packages. 35ro PHONE 369 Central City Laundry Co. Stewart Dry Cleaning Co TIONII 11.1 asi 711L (( IMMItMUMINIWM.11 BINUMMIEP 16.71;NALIILT-CLIILALIILILJILJILIILILSLA-11...ILAIM;ILIL,a41.

The Selma Times-Journal from Selma, Alabama (2024)
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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

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Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.