SogoTrade | Online Stock Broker – Why Choose SogoTrade? (2025)

SogoTrade | Online Stock Broker – Why Choose SogoTrade? (1)


Pay Less and Expect Morewith SogoTrade

SogoTrade, Inc. has served investors since 1986. We at SogoTrade believe our primary effort is to provide the help and support our clients need to work towards achieving their investing and trading goals.


We offer a wide range of investment products, powerful onlinetrading platforms and market research tools to help you achieveyour investing and trading goals. We believe that our customersdeserve a higher standard than what our competition offers.That’s why our goal is to provide thefastest trade executions, the friendliest and most knowledgeablesupport, and the most advanced trading technology in order tocreate the most value possible.

SogoTrade | Online Stock Broker – Why Choose SogoTrade? (2)


Use real-time streamingwatch lists to monitor your strategies, positions andoutcomes. You can also build portfolio lists with streamingdata, custom views and the ability to store lot-level costs.This powerful technology helps you make informedinvestment decisions and react more quickly to marketevents. SogoTrade is known for innovation. SogoTrade’sonline trading platforms make it easy to buy or sell stocksand options from whichever sort of computer or touchscreen device you choose to use. SogoTrade makes it easy to invest money online. Whether youchoose to use only one trading platform that we offer orseveral, we strive to offer the best online trading platformsin the Industry.

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SogoTrade | Online Stock Broker – Why Choose SogoTrade? (3)


From the Morning Call Newsletter to our options tool,we provide a variety of market research and trading ideas tohelp you achieve your financial goals. Learn more about ourtrade idea tools!

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SogoOptions is a customizable and powerful option trading platform.
Some of the features include:

  • • Low “per contract” fee
  • • Streaming quotes, powerful analysis & risk management tools
  • • Clear display of the risk and reward of a trade.

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Whether you want phone support or online answers, you’ll always find the level of support you need. Our well-trained and courteous staff is prepared to provide prompt assistance via Live Chat, phone or email. Help tools have been integrated into our platforms for your convenience.

Talk with our knowledgeable specialists to place a trade, ask questions regarding a particular trade or have general questions about equities and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), retirement accounts or trading.

Our real value is providing the help and support you need to achieve your investing and trading goals. Please contact SogoTrade if you have any questions.

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© 2024 SogoTrade, Inc. All rights reserved.Brokerage services provided by SogoTrade, Inc., Member of FINRA.

SogoTrade is a member of SIPC, which protects securities customers of its members up to $500,000 ($250,000 for cash). For more details, please see Our clearing firm, Apex Clearing, has purchased an additional insurance policy, which provides protection for securities and cash up to an aggregate of $150 million, subject to maximum limits of $37.5 million for any one customer's securities and $900,000 for any one customer's cash. The SIPC protection and this additional insurance do not protect against a loss in the market value of securities, and do not apply to cryptocurrency transactions.

Portfolio management and advisory services are provided by MarketRiders, Inc. (doing business as SogoTrade Asset Management ("SAM")), a registered investment advisor. Brokerage services are provided by SogoTrade, Inc. SAM provides discretionary advisory services for a fee. SAM and SogoTrade, Inc. are separate entities under common ownership.

Before investing carefully consider the underlying objectives, risks, charges, and expenses of the investment product. All investments involve risk, including loss of principal. Past performance does not guarantee future results. There is no assurance that the investment process will consistently lead to successful investing. Asset allocation and diversification do not eliminate the risk of experiencing investment losses. ETFs can entail risks similar to direct stock ownership, including market, sector, or industry risks. Some ETFs may involve international risk, currency risk, commodity risk, and interest rate risk. Trading prices may not reflect the net asset value of the underlying securities. Risks applicable to any portfolio are those associated with its underlying securities. For more information, please see the SAM Disclosure Brochure (Form ADV Part 2A).

Important Note: Options involve risk and are not suitable for all investors. For more information please read the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options. Please note fees, commissions and interest charges should be considered when calculating results of options strategies. Transaction costs may be significant in multi-leg option strategies, including spread, as they involve multiple commission charges. SogoTrade does not provide tax advice. Please consult with a tax advisor as to how taxes may affect the outcome of options transactions/strategies.

No information contained on this website is intended as a recommendation or solicitation to invest in, or liquidate, a particular security or portfolio. Market volatility, volume and system availability may effect account access and online trade execution. This is not an offer or solicitation in any jurisdiction where we are not authorized to do business or where such offer or solicitation would be contrary to the local laws and regulations of that jurisdiction. Unauthorized access and use is prohibited.

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When you complete an account transfer, valued at $10,000 or higher, from another brokerage account to your SogoTrade account, SogoTrade will reimburse you, up to a maximum of $100, for the account transfer fees imposed by the other broker. You must apply for the ACAT reimbursement by completing and submitting a SogoTrade Account Transfer Reimbursement Request Form and provide an account statement to SogoTrade as proof of the imposed transfer fees. The Form and statement can be mailed or faxed to SogoTrade. Reimbursements will be made to your account via a credit within 30 days of receipt of the Form and Statement. Your SogoTrade account must remain open and maintain a minimum equity of $500 for a period of at least six months, or SogoTrade may charge the account for any transfer fee reimbursement credits. SogoTrade reserves the right to terminate this offer at any time without prior notice or extend the offer at its sole discretion. Offer is not valid for internal transfers between any two SogoTrade accounts. Offer valid for a limited time. Void where prohibited. (This Promotion is not available for IRA accounts)

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Stocks & ETFsCommission on Limit Orders 1$0.00
Credit (Payment) on qualified Limit Orders 2$1.00 per 1000 shares
Commission on qualified odd lot Limit Orders 1$0.00
Commission on Market Orders$2.88
Commission on non-qualified odd lot orders 1$2.88
Commission on Over-The-Counter (OTC)$2.88
Commission on Penny Stocks 3See below
Broker-Assisted Commission$25.00
Contract Fee50¢
Broker-Assisted Commission$25 + 50¢/Contract
Mutual FundsBroker-Assisted Commission$25.00
Fixed IncomeBroker-Assisted CommissionPlease call
CryptocurrencyTrading fee 4See below

1 The order generally must be 100 shares or greater (not an odd lot order), otherwise a $2.88 commission rate applies. Odd lot limit orders qualify for the $0 commission if the principal amount of each order is $2,000 or more.

2 To receive credit (payment) for limit orders the following terms apply:
•Get Paid to Trade (GP2T) credit will be paid on every qualified limit order (both buys and sells) ($0.001 per share) and the order size is 100 shares or more executed during regular market hours and the order size is 100 shares or more. GP2T credit will not be paid during extended hours trading sessions.
•For BUY Orders: The filled order must be received at the market center at least one penny below the ask
•For SELL Orders: The filled order must be received in the market center at least one penny above the bid
•The Get Paid to Trade credit is paid in One Cent increments only – no fraction of a penny will be paid. (For example, if a qualified limit order mathematically earns a $10.258 credit, the customer will receive a credit of $10.25.)
•Note: A trade placed by a client may comply with the limit order qualifications at the time it is placed but may not qualify for the GP2T credit when executed due to price movements. In this instance, although no credit will be paid, the $0 commission will still apply.

3 For stocks priced under $1 the commission charge is $2.88 PLUS Low-Price Stock fee the greater of $0.0003 per share (Maximum 5% of principal) OR 0.25% of the principal amount of the trade.

4 Cryptocurrency trading fees are the greater of $1 or 1% of the trade value. Account related fees may apply to your SogoTrade account. Cryptocurrency trading is offered through Bakkt.

Please read the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options before you apply for option privileges.

Get Paid to Trade Limit Order Disclosures

You must evaluate your particular financial circumstances and trading objectives to determine whether or not entering limit orders is appropriate for you. You should consider the following factors when deciding whether you should enter Get Paid to Trade (“GP2T”) limit orders:

Nature of Limit Orders.

Generally, limit orders involve entering buy or sell orders at a specific price or better. This can be contrasted with market orders where the investor is entering an order to buy or sell a particular stock at the current market price, whatever that may be. With limit orders, they can only be filled if the market price reaches the stock’s limit price imposed by the investor. Limit orders are helpful if the investor does not want to buy a stock above or sell a stock below a predetermined price. Please click on the following SEC link for more information: .

Price Volatility and Execution.

Because limit orders are priced away from the bid and ask, depending on whether the trade involves a buy or sell, there can be no assurance that a limit order will result in a full or even partial execution of the order. If the price remains static or moves in the opposite direction of the limit order, the trade may not be executed at all. Accordingly, if an investor wants to better ensure the full execution of their order, they should consider entering it as a market order and not a limit order. Further, if the market or a particular stock is experiencing volatility, a market order may be more appropriate if selling or buying a particular stock quickly is more important to you than placing a limit on the order and potentially realizing a better price.

Get Paid to Trade Payment Mechanism.

Broker Dealers, including SogoTrade, can realize a lower cost structure and greater revenue opportunities with certain qualified limit orders, as opposed to trades that are executed at the prevailing market price. The analysis involves adding liquidity to the markets versus taking liquidity from the markets. Limit orders add liquidity, which is viewed favorably by market centers because it creates more efficient trading and greater opportunities to realize better pricing. Market orders are executed at whatever the then current market price is and therefore remove liquidity from the market. Market centers, where stock trades are executed, charge broker-dealers more for orders that take liquidity and may pay broker-dealers for adding liquidity to the market.

The Get Paid to Trade limit order is designed so that the investor can realize payments from SogoTrade for entering orders that add liquidity to the markets. When a customer enters a limit order, the trade verification window will display the expected GP2T payment the customer is likely to receive. Whether the trade ultimately qualifies for payment can be determined only after the order is actually executed in the market place. Once the limit order is executed the customer will receive a confirmation, which will include the amount of the payment that the customer will receive. Once the trade is executed and if it qualifies for the GP2T payment, the payment will typically be immediately credited the the customer’s account. Although SogoTrade may credit the GP2T payment immediately after execution, SogoTrade is not obligated to do so and SogoTrade reserves the right to credit the accounts in an aggregated credit by the following month..

GP2T Limit Order Type.

SogoTrade offers a GP2T Limit order type in its trading platforms that allows customers to conveniently place an order potentially qualifying for a Get Paid to Trade payment, if executed. The order will be placed at a set increment (from $0.01 to $0.05, as determined by the customer) above or below the bid or ask, depending on whether it is a buy or sell order. Crucially, the ultimate limit price will be adjusted relative to the bid or ask when the order is placed, meaning the limit price may be different than the estimated limit seen on the order entry and verification screens. The limit price is adjusted to have a higher chance of execution while still potentially qualifying for a Get Paid to Trade payment, if the order is executed.

A GP2T Limit order is subject to the same risks as other limit orders, including the risk the order may not execute. Because the limit price on a GP2T Limit order is adjusted when placed, the ultimate limit price may be substantially different from the estimated limit price stated on the order entry and verification pages, particularly if the quote is stale (i.e. it has not been recently refreshed) or if the stock price is volatile. The customer should update the quote prior to placing the order.

Pricing and Other Limit Order Qualifications.

SogoTrade retains full discretion to permit participation in the GP2T program by customers who do not otherwise qualify. Click HERE for more information regarding pricing and GP2T qualifications.

Treatment of Credits; No Tax Advice.

From an accounting perspective, credits paid to customers under GP2T will be reported as an adjustment to the underlying cost basis of the equity traded, which will be reflected in the year-end 1099 tax statements issued to each customer. Client expressly understands and agrees that SogoTrade is not qualified to, and does not purport to provide, any legal, accounting, or tax advice or to prepare any legal, accounting or tax documents. Client will rely on his or her tax attorney or accountant for tax advice or tax preparation.


Stocks & ETFsCommission on Limit Orders 1$0.00
Credit (Payment) on qualified Limit Orders 2$1.00 per 1000 shares
Credit (Payment) on qualified GERM Orders 5$3.00 per 1000 shares
Commission on qualified odd lot Limit Orders 1$0.00
Commission on Market Orders$2.88
Commission on non-qualified odd lot orders*$2.88
Commission on Over-The-Counter (OTC)$2.88
Commission on Penny Stocks 3See below
Broker-Assisted Commission$25.00
Contract Fee50¢
Broker-Assisted Commission$25 + 50¢/Contract
Mutual FundsBroker-Assisted Commission$25.00
Fixed IncomeBroker-Assisted CommissionPlease call
CryptocurrencyTrading fee 4See below

1 The order generally must be 100 shares or greater (not an odd lot order), otherwise a $2.88 commission rate applies. Odd lot limit orders qualify for the $0 commission if the principal amount of each order is $2,000 or more.

2 To receive credit (payment) for limit orders the following terms apply:
•Get Paid to Trade (GP2T) credit will be paid on every qualified limit order (both buys and sells) ($0.001 per share) executed during regular market hours and the order size is 100 shares or more. GP2T credit will not be paid during extended hours trading sessions.
•For BUY Orders: The filled order must be received at the market center at least one penny below the ask
•For SELL Orders: The filled order must be received in the market center at least one penny above the bid
•The Get Paid to Trade credit is paid in One Cent increments only – no fraction of a penny will be paid. (For example, if a qualified limit order mathematically earns a $10.258 credit, the customer will receive a credit of $10.25.)
•Note: A trade placed by a client may comply with the limit order qualifications at the time it is placed but may not qualify for the GP2T credit when executed due to price movements. In this instance, although no credit will be paid, the $0 commission will still apply.

3 For stocks priced under $1 the commission charge is $2.88 PLUS Low-Price Stock fee the greater of $0.0003 per share (Maximum 5% of principal) OR 0.25% of the principal amount of the trade.

4 Cryptocurrency trading fees are the greater of $1 or 1% of the trade value. Account related fees may apply to your SogoTrade account. Cryptocurrency trading is offered through Bakkt.

5 To receive credit (payment) for GERM limit orders the following terms apply:
•The increased Get Paid to Trade (GP2T) credit for GERM orders will be paid on every qualified buy limit order ($0.003 per share). Qualifying sell limit orders will receive the base Get Paid to Trade credit applicable to all qualified limit orders ($0.001 per share).
•For BUY Orders: The filled order must be received at the market center at least one penny below the ask. Qualifying GERM purchase orders will receive $0.003 per share.
•For SELL Orders: The filled order must be received in the market center at least one penny above the bid. Qualifying Get Paid to Trade sell orders will receive $.001 per share.
•The Get Paid to Trade credit is paid in One Cent increments only – no fraction of a penny will be paid. (For example, if a qualified limit order mathematically earns a $10.258 credit, the customer will receive a credit of $10.25.)
•Note: A trade placed by a client may comply with the limit order qualifications at the time it is placed but may not qualify for the GP2T credit when executed due to price movements. In this instance, although no credit will be paid, the $0 commission will still apply.

Please read the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options before you apply for option privileges.

Get Paid to Trade Limit Order Disclosures

You must evaluate your particular financial circumstances and trading objectives to determine whether or not entering limit orders is appropriate for you. You should consider the following factors when deciding whether you should enter Get Paid to Trade (“GP2T”) limit orders:

Nature of Limit Orders.

Generally, limit orders involve entering buy or sell orders at a specific price or better. This can be contrasted with market orders where the investor is entering an order to buy or sell a particular stock at the current market price, whatever that may be. With limit orders, they can only be filled if the market price reaches the stock’s limit price imposed by the investor. Limit orders are helpful if the investor does not want to buy a stock above or sell a stock below a predetermined price. Please click on the following SEC link for more information: .

Price Volatility and Execution.

Because limit orders are priced away from the bid and ask, depending on whether the trade involves a buy or sell, there can be no assurance that a limit order will result in a full or even partial execution of the order. If the price remains static or moves in the opposite direction of the limit order, the trade may not be executed at all. Accordingly, if an investor wants to better ensure the full execution of their order, they should consider entering it as a market order and not a limit order. Further, if the market or a particular stock is experiencing volatility, a market order may be more appropriate if selling or buying a particular stock quickly is more important to you than placing a limit on the order and potentially realizing a better price.

Get Paid to Trade Payment Mechanism.

Broker Dealers, including SogoTrade, can realize a lower cost structure and greater revenue opportunities with certain qualified limit orders, as opposed to trades that are executed at the prevailing market price. The analysis involves adding liquidity to the markets versus taking liquidity from the markets. Limit orders add liquidity, which is viewed favorably by market centers because it creates more efficient trading and greater opportunities to realize better pricing. Market orders are executed at whatever the then current market price is and therefore remove liquidity from the market. Market centers, where stock trades are executed, charge broker-dealers more for orders that take liquidity and may pay broker-dealers for adding liquidity to the market.

The Get Paid to Trade limit order is designed so that the investor can realize payments from SogoTrade for entering orders that add liquidity to the markets. When a customer enters a limit order, the trade verification window will display the expected GP2T payment the customer is likely to receive. Whether the trade ultimately qualifies for payment can be determined only after the order is actually executed in the market place. Once the limit order is executed the customer will receive a confirmation, which will include the amount of the payment that the customer will receive. Once the trade is executed and if it qualifies for the GP2T payment, the payment will typically be immediately credited the the customer’s account. Although SogoTrade may credit the GP2T payment immediately after execution, SogoTrade is not obligated to do so and SogoTrade reserves the right to credit the accounts in an aggregated credit by the following month..

GP2T Limit Order Type.

SogoTrade offers a GP2T Limit order type in its trading platforms that allows customers to conveniently place an order potentially qualifying for a Get Paid to Trade payment, if executed. The order will be placed at a set increment (from $0.01 to $0.05, as determined by the customer) above or below the bid or ask, depending on whether it is a buy or sell order. Crucially, the ultimate limit price will be adjusted relative to the bid or ask when the order is placed, meaning the limit price may be different than the estimated limit seen on the order entry and verification screens. The limit price is adjusted to have a higher chance of execution while still potentially qualifying for a Get Paid to Trade payment, if the order is executed.

A GP2T Limit order is subject to the same risks as other limit orders, including the risk the order may not execute. Because the limit price on a GP2T Limit order is adjusted when placed, the ultimate limit price may be substantially different from the estimated limit price stated on the order entry and verification pages, particularly if the quote is stale (i.e. it has not been recently refreshed) or if the stock price is volatile. The customer should update the quote prior to placing the order.

Pricing and Other Limit Order Qualifications.

SogoTrade retains full discretion to permit participation in the GP2T program by customers who do not otherwise qualify. Click HERE for more information regarding pricing and GP2T qualifications.

Treatment of Credits; No Tax Advice.

From an accounting perspective, credits paid to customers under GP2T will be reported as an adjustment to the underlying cost basis of the equity traded, which will be reflected in the year-end 1099 tax statements issued to each customer. Client expressly understands and agrees that SogoTrade is not qualified to, and does not purport to provide, any legal, accounting, or tax advice or to prepare any legal, accounting or tax documents. Client will rely on his or her tax attorney or accountant for tax advice or tax preparation.

SogoTrade | Online Stock Broker – Why Choose SogoTrade? (2025)
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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.