Year 1
Core modules:
Initial Professional Development and School-Based Training 1: Theories and Strategies for Teachers and Learners
This module aims to help you to develop critical reflection, a personal philosophy and your professional practice as a teacher. It provides the opportunity to study theories of child development and education and learning. It encourages evaluation and critique of these areas of educational debate, informed by theory, current research and policy.
Teaching and Learning in the Foundation Areas and RE 1
This module will introduce you to the National Curriculum requirements in the foundation subjects and the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework. You will explore creative and innovative ways of teaching the foundation areas and RE and develop your understanding of planning, and of appropriate assessment strategies for different subjects. Assessment typically involves producing a poster and a group presentation on one of the foundation subjects of the National Curriculum, RE or an area of learning in the EYFS.
Introduction to Core Curriculum Studies - English, Maths and Science
This module will help prepare you to teach English, mathematics and science across the early years and Key Stage 1. The module will be taught jointly by subject specialist tutors and school-based trainers. Training sessions will take place both in schools and in the University. Assessment is typically via a series of practical assignment tasks examining English (including Phonics), maths and science in the EYFS or primary classroom, exploring and synthesising theory into practice.
Teaching and Learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage
This module will aim to develop your knowledge and understanding of teaching and learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), incorporating key features of effective learning environments and effective pedagogy in the birth to five age range. A strong emphasis is given to understanding child development and the crucial role of the adult in observing, assessing and planning for learning. This module will support you to develop your skills for observing, assessing and teaching young children and communicating effectively with them. It aims to prepare you for EYFS classroom practice based on sound understanding and critical reflection of the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Year 2
Core modules:
Advanced Primary Core Curriculum Studies - English, Maths and Science
This module builds on learning undertaken in Introduction to Core Curriculum Studies – English, Maths and Science. The aim is to provide you with the opportunity to consolidate and extend your subject knowledge in mathematics, science and English through a series of training sessions which will take place both in the University and in partnership schools. Assessment is typically via the design, planning and evaluation of practical resources to support a sequence of lessons for a specific age group in either English, Maths or Science.
Teaching and Learning in the Foundation Subjects and RE 2
This module will extend your knowledge of the foundation areas and RE and their corresponding areas of learning and development in the EYFS. You will extend your subject knowledge and learn how to plan for cross curricular links and holistic learning in creative and innovative ways. Training takes place both in university and in schools and you will have the opportunity to undertake a wider curriculum placement in which you’ll teach a series of lessons. Assessment is typically via the planning, delivery and evaluation of a sample unit of work for a chosen year group, incorporating several of the foundation areas of the National Curriculum or their corresponding areas of learning and development in the EYFS.
Initial Professional Development and School-Based Training 2: Creative Teachers and Creative Learners
This module supports you to further develop your skills of critical reflection and professional development planning. You will extend your knowledge of theory, research, policy and practice furthering your ability to demonstrate your own professional identity and educational philosophy. Through practical sessions you will also develop your Personal Development Portfolio. The module is practice based; all students undertake an eight week assessed block of School-Based Training, involving planning, teaching and assessing children’s learning. Assessment is typically via the submission of a teaching file to include lesson planning, evaluations of your own teaching, assessments for learners, feedback from trainers/mentors, a record of professional development activities and an impact study to show learner progress.
Working with Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
This module introduces you to the barriers to learning experienced by those with special educational needs and disabilities and explores strategies teachers use to overcome these. You will have the opportunity to undertake enrichment experience in an alternative educational setting to enable you to apply theory to practice, and will aim to compile a reflective and critical portfolio based on your experiences which enables you reflect critically on your knowledge and practice.
Safeguarding Children and Young People
Raise your awareness of current legislation, policies and procedures which exist to promote children and young people’s rights and to keep them safe. Knowledge, skills and qualities required to work with children, young people, their families and carers and other professionals in safeguarding contexts. Critically explores broader safeguarding concepts (such as CSE and PREVENT).
Year 3
Core modules:
Initial Professional Development and School Based Training 3: Curriculum, Assessment and Data
This module seeks to prepare you for your final block placement in which you’ll be required to take responsibility for planning and teaching for the majority of the timetable. Through critical self-reflection and personal development planning you will be guided to establish your professional values and become the teacher you aspired to be. Assessment is typically via the submission of a portfolio demonstrating your competence across the Teacher Standards parts one and two. Evidence will include planning, evaluations, feedback, a record of professional development and an impact study to show learner progress.
Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in Primary and Early Years Education
This module will develop further your understanding of the concept of equality, diversity and inclusive education; it builds on the work undertaken across the whole of the course, with an emphasis on promoting a good understanding of the diverse nature of classrooms and the implications of this for resourcing, teaching and learning. Assessment is typically via a written reflective report on work undertaken as a community of practice in devising a scheme of work in a primary school or EYFS setting.
Subject Leadership and Management in the Primary School and EYFS
The module will introduce you to leadership and management in the primary school and EYFS. It will be led by University tutors and subject leaders drawn from across the partnership. It will introduce you to the principles behind effective middle leadership and some of the associated challenges. Following a series of lectures focusing on leadership styles, middle leadership, action planning and data analysis students will undertake a focused subject project within their partnership school that supports the school’s priorities. Assessment is typically via a mini-research project implemented in school, providing evidence of dissemination of findings and suggestions for innovation in the school or EYFS setting.
Dissertation: A Research Project in Primary/Early Years Education
This module will facilitate development of knowledge, understanding and skills required to utilise basic research methods to explore a specific question in a small-scale investigation within the context of a primary school. The findings will be analysed critically with reference to published theory and recent research. Assessment is typically via the submission of a dissertation.
Teaching and Assessment
You’ll be taught through a series of lectures, seminars, tutorials and interactive workshops. On average, 17.1%* of the study time on the course is spent with your tutors (either face to face or online) in university lectures, seminars, tutorials etc. You’ll also have a personal tutor assigned to you throughout your degree to support your ongoing wellbeing and ensure that you have a positive learning experience. In addition trainees take part in compulsory school placements and school led training.
*based on 2020/2021 timetables
Assessment includes assignments on learning theory and professional issues associated with education. Within partnership schools, mentors assess your teaching to help you develop into an effective teacher.
Feedback (usually written) is normally provided on all coursework submissions within three term time weeks – unless the submission was made towards the end of the session in which case feedback would be available on request after the formal publication of results. Feedback on exam performance/final coursework is available on request after the publication of results.
Teaching excellence
The University of Huddersfield has been rated Gold in all three aspects of the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) 2023. We were the only university in Yorkshire and the Humber and the North West to achieve Gold ratings in all three aspects of the TEF among those announced in September 2023. In fact only 13 Universities, out of the 96 that were announced in September 2023, were Gold in all three ratings.
Further proof of teaching excellence: our staff rank in the top three in England for the proportion who hold doctorates, who have higher degrees, and hold teaching qualifications (HESA 2024). So, you’ll learn from some of the best, helping you to be the best.
We are first in the country for National Teaching Fellowships, which mark the UK’s best lecturers in Higher Education, winning a total of 22 since 2008 (2023 data).
We won the first Global Teaching Excellence Award, recognising the University’s commitment to world-class teaching and its success in developing students as independent learners and critical thinkers (Higher Education Academy, 2017).
Read more about academic staff at the University of Huddersfield
Global Professional Award
At Huddersfield, you'll study the Global Professional Award (GPA) alongside your degree* so that you gain valuable qualities and experiences that could help you to get the career you want, no matter what your field of study is. On completion of the Award, you'll receive a GPA certificate from the University of Huddersfield, alongside the specialist subject skills and knowledge you gain as part of your degree, which may help to set you apart from other graduates.
Giving students access to the Global Professional Award is one of the reasons the University won ‘Best University Employability Strategy’ award at the National Graduate Recruitment Awards 2021. Find out more on the Global Professional Award webpage.
*full-time, undergraduate first degrees with a minimum duration of three years. This does not include postgraduate, foundation, top-up, accelerated or apprenticeship degrees.